If there was a way to keep their identity private, I would. But it's not possible when you quote another's work. I must give credit to them for the soundtrack specifically taken as a transcript of what I heard. Yes, I did the transcription. If I missed anything or quoted something incorrectly, I apologize. My pure motive and aim is to bring this type of prayer to light so others can study it for themselves.
Here's the transcript (my comments and summary are below):
Excerpts of the Liturgists from the Vapor EP teaching on Centering Prayer.
Published on bandcamp.com March 1, 2014
Liturgy - work of the people.
Part of that work is art - created to shift our gaze toward God.
Another part is gathering to worship together.
But there may be no work of the people more powerful than prayer.
Did you know that scientists have studied prayer?
You might be surprised what they found.
People who pray for 30 mins everyday have:
> Lower Blood Pressure
> Reduced Stress
> Better Focus
Anthropologist have discovered that people who engage in regular prayer practice also report feeling more powerfully connected to God and more likely to experience God directly.
In America today, we mainly pray by talking. There’s nothing wrong with that (tone). But do you ever long just to be alone with God? Many people try to add a ton of silence during prayer but are frustrated when their minds drift or they fall asleep. It’s so much easier for us to talk than to be still. But we need only cast our eyes on the vastness of the skies to look upon the clouds of dust and gas that would easily swallow not only our planet but our entire solar system. To understand the need to be silent and still.
The Psalms speak of the calamity and loudness of this life and God says in response: Be still and know I am God.
There's a way to focus your attention on the gift of every moment through stillness - it’s the ancient practice of Centering Prayer. Centering Prayer is designed to focus our being on God. We’ve created this recording to help you explore Centering Prayer as a means of deeming your prayer practice and your relationship with God.
Start by picking a sacred word.
There’s nothing inherently powerful about this word.
It’s merely a means for your to center yourself on being open to God’s spirit.
One or two syllable words work best.
Common words are: God, Jesus, Love or Spirit.
In most languages the word for Spirit & Breath are the same.
So some people chose their breath as their sacred word.
Remember, there is no right or wrong.
This word is simply a means of focusing your attention and being.
This is a good time to put your phone on silent or DND.
Now, find a place to sit. Assume a position that is comfortable and quiet if possible.
Your goal is to sit without moving the entire prayer session. However you chose to sit, do so with your back straight.
If physical limitations or disabilities prevent that, it is ok to sit comfortably or even lie down. Just resist the temptation to sleep.
Now close your eyes.
Become aware you are sitting in this chair.
Be aware of your own body.
Explore the feelings and sensations of being alive.
Explore the sensations of coming alive.
Pressure and warmth of your body presses against the chair… the air moving across your skin.
Sit still.
You will probably be tempted to figit, scratch an itch or reposition yourself.
In time, you will learn to focus thru these things. But understand, it’s completely normal.
Your body is unaccustomed to stillness w/o sleep. Just continue to sit still.
Now, focus on your breathing.
Don’t control it or change it. Simply be aware of it.
Rest your attention gently upon your breath.
Notice the feeling as air moves thru your nose and throat.
Listen to the sounds as your body breaths.
When thoughts pop into your mind? Or feelings begging to sweep.
Gently return attention to your breath.
Continue to focus on your breathing.
Now, recall your sacred word.
Lay you sacred word on your attention - like laying a tissue on a comforter or blanket.
No need to control any thoughts or feelings that arise, simply return your attention to your sacred word.
Thoughts and feelings come and go. When they do, gently return your attention to your sacred word.
>Noise of bottle and cans in the distance<
Jesus said, “the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
>Some more low bass and ambient sounds<
Gently turn your attn to your breath and your body.
Now gently return your attn to your breath and then to your body.
Allow normal thoughts, feelings and sensation to remain in your attention. But know you may return to a centered state anytime throughout the day by resting your attention on your sacred word.
Follow me in the Lord’s prayer:
Our Father, who art in Heaven…
Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. - Carl Sagan
A quote on the Liturgist's website.
It started when a new album was released. I thought the music was interesting at first. Then I began digging...
Today I witnessed a shift by @########### (name removed) worship leaders leaning on Monk teaching of #CenteringPrayer & #contemplativeprayer. #SAD
@DavidGeipel oh, that shift happened a long time ago David. That's almost always been a beautiful spiritual practice for us
@theliturgists in track called #CenteringPrayer you quote Luke 17:21 - “the Kingdom of God is within you” But Greek word is entos = in the midst of you. Different emphasis.
Prayer is crucial in our walk. But #CenteringPrayer / #ContemplativePrayer = #OffTrack. carm.org/centering-prayer (great article to give you the background)
Prayer is not mystical chanting. If we are ever to use one word... it should be God’s Word. We can and should prayer though it and according to His Will.
Church, we must be aware this is still happening out there and speak up against this... Stay in His Word and on your knees.
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