Friday, July 15, 2016

Rise up and GO! Pokemon GO and the GOspel

Christians are called to
Go into all the World...
With the recent release of Pokemon GO, the world has witnessed the greatest video game release that not only dominates one age bracket, but several. And it's not limited to your monitor or TV. It's completely mobile and combines real world with anime, animation and amazing game theory principles that makes it very sticky (addicting). Yes, once you start, it's hard to put it down.

Having said that, I am amazed as a Christ follower how something so silly could dominate hearts and minds - conscious and unconscious. It's attraction is something for future research studies, but what is obvious is how people are taking it to the streets.

Pokemon Go Catching Gloom @ 2am
Catching Pokemon
@ 2am
You see, the whole purpose is to get up and GO. Take your phone and start collecting Pokemon, level up and take the fun to the Gym and keep leveling up while you dominate. And this is what has caused me pause.

It's not whether or not you think it's cool or not. That's not up for debate here. What it has done is show us that when things like this take over, we are not to shut the door on opportunity, but sometime embrace it in radical ways. You see, the church is the greatest force in the world. It's powered by a much greater force in this world - the Holy Spirit. And it's not about capturing cards and characters but about capturing eternal souls for the Kingdom of God.

In playing Pokemon GO with my kids and even venturing out late one night to experience the rage (see the photos), I found myself praying. Not about my score but for God's Kingdom... to advance, capture, conquer and defeat the enemy Satan and his workman demons and evil spirits.

Car parks to play Pokemon Go @ 12:30am
Car parks to play
Pokemon @ 12:30am
This game called Pokemon is just a small glimpse into the spiritual world. It's visual cues don't come from augmented reality, but a spiritual reality that many Christians fail to embrace. We are called as followers of Christ to walk by the Spirit of God. Our battle is not of this world... and our armor is spiritual. What an amazing lesson many have learned in Sunday school but fail to live by everyday. We are to wake each day, get dressed in our spiritual armor, pray and live sold out for Christ. This isn't a virtual reality game but reality church. It's time to see this game differently. And to that end,

I've put some quick ways we can take the GOspel message (the GOOD NEWS) to the streets. I've called it simply: Rise Up and Go!

Please read it, forward it, tag others, COPY & PASTE, SHARE IT, Pass it Along and Do It (model it to others including your children).

Rise up and GO!

Embrace the craze of #PokemanGo and when you visit a church Pokestop, STOP, take a knee and PRAY...

Rise up church and GO.
PRAY for the church, their Pastor, flock, unchurched and unsaved lost who don't need to level up but come to Jesus and get into the Word. It's time to use the power of #prayer to break strongholds and bondage in lives.

PREACH the Word of God. It's not about collecting balls in the game but to capture people for the kingdom of God. Open up a Bible and read the Word to those hovering around. It's the open marketplace with open ears (like Acts 17:16-17).

If you're a CHURCH as a Pokestop, awesome! Encourage prayer requests from each visitor and offer them living water! They don't have to leave the same they came :)

Rise up church and GO.

SERVE the needs of those visiting your church. Many are hurting people who need LOVE. Ask what they need and meet it. Show them the power of love only found in Jesus. It may be the only time they will step foot at a church.

REVIVAL starts with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to fall and touch this generation, to heal broken hearts and this land. Humble yourself, pick up the cross and do the work of an evangelist. Be bold and ask for the pouring and overflow of the Holy Spirit.

Rise up church and GO.
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. GO therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” Matthew 28:18-20

Rise up church and GO!

If you agree, please tag your church, a friend and please share this post while you take action and share some Jesus! Don't let Facebook or social media squash it either... it's time to respond to the window given and get up and GO!!!

Dave Geipel

Pokemon Go at the Library downtown @ 1am
Pokemon Go at the
Library downtown @ 1am

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Sting of Death

As we approach Easter this year, I'd like to make an observation around a side cast member, Joseph. Not Joseph the earthly father of Jesus but rather Joseph of Arimathea (a city of Judea). His role in the resurrection of Jesus is very telling.

In the book of Matthew (Matthew 27:57-66), we read in the passage about the precise details of the burial of Jesus. He wasn't thrown in the ground, placed in a mausoleum or forgotten. Everything went down in just three days and the rest is history.

Here's the background on Joseph and his preparation for the body of Jesus.

Joseph of Arimathea:
1) took the body
2) wrapped it in a clean linen
3) placed it in his own new tomb
4) tomb he cut out of the rock
5) rolled a big stone in front
6) he left

What I love the most?
He BORROWED the tomb! Jesus never took permanent residency (6 feet under).

That's right, it wasn't meant to hold Him. The sting of death didn't take.

The enemies of Christ anticipated a potential issue if He was to survive the tomb or perhaps be taken. Yet we later find that His death & his adversaries couldn't stop Him. 

The empty tomb found just three days later shattered the grip of death. We also see the earth shook, the stone guarding the body was rolled away and His appearance was like lightening (Matt 28:1-4). He's back that quickly. 

Now we can respond to death:

If you read 1 Corinthians 15 (the entire chapter), you can further read about the resurrection. It's a great read on His resurrection and our response. And what's the conclusion?

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Never look at the death & resurrection of Jesus as an endpoint, rather the beginning He provided us through the cross. The sting of death isn't intended for those who receive the gift of salvation offered through Jesus.
Don't miss that aspect of Easter in the midst of colorful pastel eggs, a bunny and tons of candy. 

Through the act of a simple lamb of God, our sins can be covered today. That's the good news. And the sting of death? It's gone.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

My New Years Resolution as a Question

I've heard we will be ore productive with our resolutions every year IF we address them with a question. So here's my question I will attempt to ask myself daily: 

Will I take God at His WORD and will I PRAY more in 2016?

GODS WORD is vital to our walk with God. We cannot define God and our relationship with Him apart from His Word. We will never know God apart from His Word. We cannot claim His promises without His Word.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua‬ ‭1:8‬

So I am focused on spending even greater time with Him in His Word this year!

I will start with greater discipline around the time I spend with Him this year and the time I share with Him alongside my family and friends. I will be more conscious and purposeful with time in His Word. I will continue in those things that have eternal value and are centered around His Kingdom.

PRAYER is an area of our lives we often place last. Perhaps you too wait to pray or it becomes the last thing you do? We need to have a constant connection with Jesus. This isn't found by being on social media, watching TV or even in our social times out with friends but during those quiet moments alone w/ God.

I will be mindful of stillness and quiet times before the Lord.
“So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:16‬
Jesus did this often during His ministry: Mark 1:35; Matthew 14:23; Luke 6:12. What makes me think I can do it differently or better w/o quiet & alone time with Him.

Reminded this new year of the importance of having discipline in our spiritual walk. Read: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Meditate upon it. We know it's our spiritual discipline that matters most. Is our time purposeful and are we focused on eternity?
“For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭4:8‬
Sure I have a desire to tone and build muscle while running a new race this year BUT that cannot be my primary goal. Besides physical fitness this year, I desire to take up even more my spiritual training.

Will I take God at His WORD and will I PRAY more in 2016?

Join me and let's make a difference by the time spent in His Word, Prayer and sharing Jesus with our spouse, kids, family, friends and a lost and fallen world. We can only share Jesus after we've spent time with Him and have gotten to know Him more.